Tuesday 8 September 2009

Android Lists - using the ListView component

Whenever I write GUI code for a platform that is new to me, I always find myself stumped early-on figuring-out how to get simple list gadgets working. After all, most simple applications are based around buttons and lists of data. Buttons are always easy to use, but lists are always a pain.

Every platform seems to use a completely unique approach to creating lists; Android's approach is no exception in terms of how difficult it is to figure-out how to use its LiewView components. My opinion here is that the problem is down to the trend for using Model-View-Controller architectures, which actually seem to get in the way of deploying basic components like a list.

Anyways: you'll find a really useful guide to creating multi-column lists on Android here.

The steps you need to follow:
- create a new res/layout/mylayout.xml file, with the correct magic format and properties that you have to copy from what you can glean through internet searches
- use some magic code based around Adapter classes
- call the setAdapter method on your list

For those who are interested, I think the Windows API model is by *far* the easiest (using owner-draw lists); a piece of cake to use. The Apple APIs (carbon/cocoa) are hideous. The Android APIs are probably the worst.

I really wish that people who wrote APIs would concentrate on making the basic stuff easy, with lots of example code. Well done Microsoft for getting this stuff right in the first place. :)

The good news about Java development these days is support for Java Generics; I'm very happy to find that Android supports them!

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